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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Please Don't Read This!

The reason why you are reading this is perhaps the same reason why we are out of paradise today. If only Eve listen to God not to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree, the man could have always stayed in the Garden of Eden. What's forbidden always gets pleasure. It thrills us. The word " BAWAL" means DON'T and one SHOULD NOT, for any reason at any cause, at any time, but on the contrary, "BAWAL" gives the motion that something should not be done but it just feels great to insist on doing it. Oftentimes, forbidding only gives the person (who is vulnerable) the idea of doing such a thing when he couldn't have think of doing it until he sees the sign "BAWAL". Sometime forbidding only drive the person to commit something he couldn't have done only if he was not forbidden to do so. The more something is forbidden, the more it will be done. It does apply in any case.

Once done, there's no turning back. Why quit when you have already felt the pleasure? You have already sinned anyway. You might as well enjoy it first before your conscience bothers you. God made man as a free but vulnerable being; that is we have our free will, but we should be ready and we should accept the consequences.

God is indeed kid, unbelievably kind. If only I was God, then I would have punished all bad elements and all evils. But God did not do so because He has a purpose that He alone knows and understands. For how can there be good without evil?

PLEASE, stop reading at this point because I guarantee you, you can't take this anymore! But if you insist...

Man was created in the likeness of God. Yes we have very much like God, except for our natural stupidity. We study and try to discover things that already been prepared and have been provided for us. Our eyes remain blind as it remain wide open. our ears remain deaf as we keep on listening. We remain numb as we keep on feeling what's in store for us.

The monkey we see today is very fortunate for it has remained an ape and did not evolve to be like humans. It still enjoys the wonders of nature while we have created problems ourselves. god still provides our needs even without asking. Have we been gate full enough?

How ironic! That the only thing men have violated is the only thing forbidden by God. Men have always sinned because of the commandments written in tablets. Without the commandments, nobody would have been a sinner. or without sinners, there could have been no need for those commandments. Come to think of it. The commandments were not given until the time of Moses. Men have existed a long time without those commandments. There could have been no need for such only if...

What's hot makes us cool, and what's cool keep us hot. hard to understand... well, that's our nature. But something could still be done. Did you enjoy reading???


It's always interesting to read someone else's perspective when it comes to God.

I do not agree with you that God is kind, LOL. God is cruel. Look what he let Job go through just to prove his point to the Devil. Does that seem kind to you?

I wouldn't let my child suffer just to teach someone ELSE a lesson.

God is the meanest MOFO ever.

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